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    Unspoken Knowledge 101

    Your ego is your sense of self, your self identity. Who are we? What makes you, you? Disregarding the material world, some would say maybe your thoughts, actions, or beliefs? And that's true to some extent, those things do define who you are as a person, but what if a person is seeking for growth and evolution? Then your mind must become like water, taking perfect form and being delighted in any circumstance nature may put you in. So in order to successfully alter and cause lasting changes in yourself through self-improvement, without reverting to lower baseline versions of yourself, you must pull your ego out from the root, you must attack your current self-identity, annhiliate the self that's holding you back. A lot of people get beaten down by life and eventually may start thinking their circumstances just led them to become the way they have become... this is good, nature is shedding you of your self-conceit. Depression is unsatisfaction with your current life... the only cure is to make the neccessary changes. Nothing in life is inherently good or bad, it just is what it is, and we must learn to accept it as animals living in the wilderness, duality is an illusion only existing within our minds, the matrix is an escape from reality. All of our lives are split into 2 worlds, there is the material realm, and then there is the spiritual realm within your mind. Humans have the capability of sight in both realms; your mind is analagous to the moon, it reflects the Sun's light. The thoughts you concieve of in your mind will eventually impregnate the material world, your higher self will manifest through your actions, and eventually your circumstances will change accordingly to this new person who you have now become, changes in material follow changes in spiritual. The story of the two wolves is a fight between mind and matter, chase matter and you will lose mind, chase mind and the world will chase you. The ego is the rein Your Soul uses to control this body. Conquer your mind, Conquer the World.