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    Pain and Pleasure are an Illusion

    You must transcend the framework of duality. Things just are. Nothing is better than anything else. All is quite literally One. The One Creator Lord is the Puppet Master playing every single living being that exists. When you see someone else, there is no point in envy or jealousy because it is You who is playing that character, You have the exact same soul. Due to the very nature of the game, all of our initial conditions are random and distinct. Isolated Sandboxes. It's not what You have, but it's what You do with what You have that matters. Make the most out of it. You should change Your perspective on how You view life by becoming a student of every person you meet. You shouldn't want to live the life of another person. A better way to look at it would be like this person is what I would have become if I were in their shoes. But I'm not that person. I am Myself. Only I've been through all my trials and tribulations. Alone. But so have we all. Stop focusing on helping others figure their shit out when You haven't even gotten Your's figured out yet. Get inspired by Others. Send Love to Others. Receive Love from Others. This Game is collaborative. But we can all provide the most value to each other by becoming overly selfish, it's Your birth right bestowed upon You by God!